Enoki Mushrooms: A Natural Solution for Weight Loss

Learn how enoki mushrooms can help you lose weight naturally and boost your health. Read this article and try these delicious recipes today.


Have you heard of a mushroom that can make you slim and healthy? It’s called Enoki mushroom, and it’s a great food for losing weight. Let me tell you why you should try it and how to eat it.

Enoki mushrooms are also called golden needle mushrooms, velvet stem mushrooms, or lily mushrooms. They come from China, Japan, and Korea, where people have been eating them and using them as medicine for a long time. These mushrooms look like long, thin, white sticks with small, round, yellow tops. They are crunchy and sweet.

enoki mushrooms

Enoki mushrooms are good for you in many ways. They can help you lose weight because they have low calories, high fibre, and high protein. These mushrooms can easily satisfy your hunger and you don’t overeat. They can also boost your health by improving your immune system, lowering your cholesterol, and fighting cancer. Isn’t that amazing?

If you want to enjoy enoki mushrooms, you can easily add them to your meals. You can eat them raw in salads or sandwiches, or cook them in soups, stir-fries, or noodles. You can also pickle them or make them into tempura. They go well with many sauces and spices. You will love their taste and texture.

How Enoki Mushrooms Can Help with Weight Loss

Enoki mushrooms are great for losing weight. First, they help you eat fewer calories because they make you feel full. Second, they protect your body from harmful molecules and swelling that can make you sick. Third, they slow down the growth of cancer cells which can harm your health.

Low in Calories, High in Fiber and Protein

Enoki mushrooms can really help you shed some weight in a pretty straightforward way. They’re low in calories and packed with nutrients, way better than many other foods.

Just check this out: a cup of raw Enoki mushrooms, which is about 65 grams, has just 24 calories, a small amount of fat (0.2 grams), a good 2 grams of protein, and also 2 grams of fibre. So, when you eat these mushrooms, you won’t have to stress about piling up loads of calories in your diet.

The Importance of Fiber and Protein

Enoki mushrooms bring a double advantage of fibre and protein, two super important nutrients that keep you feeling full while eating less.

Fibre is a type of carbs. It doesn’t get digested but bulks up your poop and keeps your bathroom trips regular. Plus, it’s very good at slowing down sugar and cholesterol absorption, preventing blood sugar spikes, and lowering your risk of diabetes and heart problems.

a bundle of enoki mushrooms

Now, let’s talk about protein. It’s the tiny powerhouse behind your muscles, bones, skin, hair, and more. It’s like the Lego bricks of your body. But here’s the cool part: it’s not just for looks.

Protein works with your hormones, enzymes, and your immune system. It helps build and keep your muscles strong, which can increase your metabolism and burn more calories, even when you’re at rest. Protein also dials down those hunger hormones and satisfies your appetite, so you’ll snack less all day long.

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Rich in Antioxidants

Here’s another cool thing about Enoki mushrooms—they contain a lot of antioxidants. These are substances that shield your cells from bad molecules called free radicals. Free radicals are like the troublemakers of the molecule world. They pop up because of things like pollution, smoking, stress, getting older, and your body’s everyday processes.

Now, these radicals can cause some serious problems, like oxidative stress and inflammation. These molecules in your body are tied to things like being overweight and having health issues like diabetes and heart problems. But don’t worry, enoki mushrooms are here to help you fight those free radicals with their antioxidant power.

How Antioxidants Helps

One cool thing is that Enoki mushrooms have a bunch of different antioxidants, like gallic acid, quercetin, ferulic acid, and more. These antioxidants do different jobs, like grabbing those free radicals, messing with metal ions, and keeping lipids in check. They even communicate with your genes.

Eating enoki mushrooms on a regular basis can make you an antioxidant champion, and that’s a good thing. It helps undo the damage caused by those troublemaking free radicals. This not only makes your cells work better but also keeps your metabolism in good shape.

A person checking high blood sugar

Plus, it’s like a shield against problems tied to being overweight, like high insulin, high blood sugar, and heart issues. So, enoki mushrooms are like your secret food for staying healthy!

May Slow Down Cancer Growth

Enoki Mushrooms might slow down cancer growth, and that can affect your weight and overall health. Some lab tests suggest that stuff from enoki mushrooms could stop the growth of liver, breast, cervical, and stomach cancer cells. They do it by doing apoptosis (cell death), pausing their cell cycle, blocking blood vessel growth, and having good communication with your immune system.

Now, don’t get too excited just yet. These studies are promising, but they’re not the final word. We need more research to be totally sure that enoki mushrooms are great fighters against cancer in humans. But there’s hope! Eating these mushrooms might offer some protection or help for people dealing with cancer or at risk of getting it.

Cancer can mess with your weight, either making it drop or go up. The result varies based on the kind of cancer and how advanced it is. Weight can slide down because you’re not hungry, your body can’t absorb foods right, your muscles waste away, or you’re dealing with treatment side effects.

On the flip side, weight can creep up because you’re extra hungry, holding onto fluids, your hormones are unbalanced, or you’re not moving around much.

So, by eating Enoki mushrooms, you could potentially slow down the growth of Cancer cells and maybe feel better while you’re at it.

How to Incorporate Enoki Mushrooms into Your Diet

Now that you know how enoki mushrooms can help you lose weight and improve your health, you might be excited to know how to properly eat them. Here are some super-easy tips on how to get these mushrooms into your meals:

Lightly Cook Them Up: Enoki mushrooms are at their best when they’re lightly cooked. This keeps their satisfying crunch and yummy flavour intact. You can give them a quick blanch, steam, sauté, stir-fry, or zap them in the microwave for a few minutes.

Mix Them In: These mushrooms are super versatile. You can toss them into soups, salads, noodles, rice dishes, or hot pots. They add a burst of texture and flavour that’ll make your taste buds do a happy dance. You can even whip up a simple side dish by mixing it up with garlic, scallions, soy sauce, butter, or a dash of vinegar.

enoki mushrooms in a salad or a soup

Veggie Meat: Enoki Mushrooms are the best alternative for meat, if you are a vegan person. They’ve got this mild umami flavour and a meaty texture that can totally stand in for beef or pork. You can also give them a flavour boost by marinating them with your favourite spices or sauces.

Some Examples

Here are some examples of recipes that use enoki mushrooms:

Enoki Mushroom Salad

A refreshing and crunchy salad that combines enoki mushrooms with cucumber, carrot, cilantro, and a tangy dressing made with lime juice, fish sauce, sugar, and chilli.

Enoki Mushroom Soup

A simple and soothing soup that features enoki mushrooms, tofu, seaweed, green onion, and chicken broth. You can also add some miso paste for extra flavour and nutrition.

Enoki Mushroom Stir-Fry

A quick and easy stir-fry that tosses enoki mushrooms with garlic, ginger, soy sauce, sesame oil, and cornstarch. You can serve it with rice or noodles, or wrap it in lettuce leaves for a low-carb option.

Enoki Mushroom Hot Pot

A cosy and comforting hot pot that simmers enoki mushrooms with napa cabbage, shiitake mushrooms, tofu, fish balls, and a savoury broth made with dashi, soy sauce, sake, and mirin. You can dip the ingredients in ponzu sauce for extra zing.

Prices of Enoki Mushroom in Different Countries

CountryPrice (In US Dollars)
South Korea$4.5
New Zealand$11.6
South Africa$10.2
The prices are in US dollars per kilogram and may vary depending on the source and quality of the mushrooms.

How to Grow Enoki Mushroom

Here are five short points on how to grow enoki mushrooms:

  • Purchase an Enoki mushroom starter kit or a packet of starter Enoki mushroom spawn online.
  • Wet the premade grow block from the kit or mix the spawn with hardwood sawdust or similar growing material and fill a sterilized glass container with it.
  • Keep the grow block or container in a dark place with high humidity and a temperature of 40–50 °F (4–10 °C) until the mushrooms begin to emerge.
  • Move the grow block or container to a cooler place with a temperature of 50-60 °F (10-15 C) to promote the formation of the caps.
  • Harvest the mushrooms when they reach the desired size by cutting them at the base of the cluster.


Enoki mushrooms are both tasty and versatile, offering several health benefits that can aid your weight loss efforts. They’re low in calories and fat but high in fibre and protein, helping you feel full with less food. They’re also packed with antioxidants, which can reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in your body, factors linked to obesity and metabolic issues. Additionally, enoki mushrooms may slow down cancer growth, which can impact your weight and overall health.

enoki mushrooms in a bowl
Enoki mushroom and beech mushrooms

Including enoki mushrooms in your balanced diet allows you to lower your calorie intake while increasing your nutrient consumption, helping create a calorie deficit, a key component of weight loss. It also improves your metabolic health and can prevent or treat complications related to obesity.

Try Enoki Mushrooms today and share your experience in the comments below!

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